Are you still waiting for your next economic stimulus payment? Or possibly your unemployment check? Instead waiting for the money to come in, which may never arrive, if you have a junk car, you can always sell that vehicle and earn cash for your junk car instead.
Your Junk Car Can Be Your Next Economic Stimulus Payment
At Cash for Cars 24, we’ve helped hundreds of people across the country over the last several years sell their junk vehicles for cash, even when they thought those vehicles were not worth anything because they were not in running condition.
The great thing about owning a junk vehicle is that itβs literally like having Cold Hard Cash sitting in your driveway. You can easily have cash in your bank account tomorrow when you contact us today to find out how much your vehicles were and schedule a pick-up.
Our company will pay you the highest cash price for your vehicle and you can rest assured that we’re not going to charge you extra for the pickup or change the price that we promise to pay you at the last minute.
Stop Waiting For Another Economic Stimulus Payment
If you’re still waiting for another economic stimulus payments come in, the reality is that it’s not going to show up potentially for any other two to three months, if it’s approved at all.
Congress, the Senate, and the President, have all let the people down when it comes to making real progress with the stimulus payment. This is why instead of waiting for another stimulus check, Americans who have assets like junk vehicles in their driveways should sell those junk vehicles for cash so that they can earn the equivalent of another stimulus payment for themselves.
As we said before, you can count on us to purchase your junk car, truck, van, or RV regardless if it’s running or not. And we’re going to save you the time, money and hassle of keeping that vehicle running or having to recycle at yourself.
Will another stimulus payment get approved? That’s anyone’s guess. Thankfully, anyone who owns a junk vehicle can recycle their vehicle and have money in their pocket within 24 hours or less without having to continue waiting for another check from the government to show up, that may never arrive.
To learn more about how much your junk car is worth, contact us today by calling (888) 913-5816 or click here to connect that’s online.