What do you do with your license plates after selling your car?

Are you planning on selling your car, truck, or van? If you’re like most people you probably want to know what you should do with your license plates after you sell your vehicle.

Do you keep your license plates? Or do you let the license plates stay with the vehicle?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask. In many states it’s not uncommon for some owners to remove the license plates from their vehicles after they sell them. Doing this compels the new owner of the vehicle to register that vehicle in their own name.

In other states, it’s also not uncommon for some vehicle owners to leave the plates on the vehicle but by doing this the owner of the sold vehicle has to stress the importance to the new owner of registering the vehicle in the new owners name immediately due to owner liability.

license plates

Understanding Owner Liability

Owner liability is an important concept that every driver should understand, especially if they own their vehicle because, it doesn’t matter if money has exchanged hands between buyer and seller, as long as the vehicle remains in the name of the previous owner that owner remains liable for any accidents or injuries that vehicle was involved in

Besides applying to crime, owner liability also applies to any parking violations which are incurred by that vehicle or possible vehicle impound fees.

About transferring the title

Did you know that most states will use the title of a vehicle to track ownership?

The vehicle’s title is directly connected to the VIN number that’s etched on every vehicle or its components. The title gives the Department of Motor Vehicles or law enforcement the ability to quickly access ownership records and track down the owner at a moments notice.

Sadly, what many drivers don’t know is that transferring the title of the vehicle doesn’t always mean that one owner is transferring the plates over to another.

If you’re planning on selling your vehicle within the coming months and are unsure about if you need to keep the plates on your vehicle or not, the easiest approach is to recommend to the buyer that he or she meet you at your local DMV so that you both can transfer the appropriate documents and or apply for a brand new title altogether.

Doing this will ensure that both you and the buyer stay complaint with state regulations and eliminate the possible hassle of the buyer driving the vehicle before it’s fully registered in their name.

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